Have you ever spotted a yard sale and decided to turn around instead of heading to your planned destiny? Well, that's how I ended up with this surprise. When asked if the carrier contained a sewing machine the seller responded, "Yes." So I asked about the price and she answered, "$5." Did I look inside? No, but when I tried to lift it I couldn't and had my husband put it on my sewing desk. What a beauty! If things go well when I receive my manual I will be excited. My mother always purchased Viking machines. Her last purchase was a computerized one before she passed away in 1989. My daughter has her tan one, which is very similiar to this one. The Viking will be joining two others.That's my National peeping from behind.
Viking 6440
Singer Slant-O-Matic 500 with the cabinet, manuel, and all attachments was purchased for $75 about a year ago. It sews like a dream.
Most of my sewing is done on this National which I paid $50 for about ten years ago. It's hard to stop sewing on it and enjoy the others. When I slow down, I will take time to really enjoy the others.