Showing posts with label Patterns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patterns. Show all posts

Monday, August 4, 2014

Fun Finds!

Fun thrifting with a friend turned up these lovelies at a price of 20 cents each.

Surprisingly enough, there were multiple copies and multiple sizes of several patterns.

After looking all over the store, how surprising it was to locate the pattern stash section. It was more than expected and I was overjoyed!

                                                            There's nothing like a dear friend who drove from a distance to spend time and have an enjoyable day.
                                        I couldn't pass up these Sag Harbor jackets and this much needed red top at $1 each.
coral, purple & red

Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Patterns~Really

                                     New additions to the other never cut patterns.
                                     Some of which I've never posted.                     
                                     We're heading into the new year!
                               Wow! Life is worth living when creating something new.
So, they had a sale and I had an opportunity to shop! The envelopes fit into my notebook. Now, fitting the patterns/directions into the file is another story. These patterns have been cut apart, if
that counts as being used. At least they've ready to go!